Friday, August 22, 2008

Auctions are back up right now!

Aw yeah!

Blog posting so erratic indeed. I'm off on a mini-road trip around New England, Absy's on her way to South America, but auctions are set for the next three weeks. We'll be online from time to time but we may not respond as quickly as usual. However, as we have a little monkey taking care of our postage at 123Bam HQ, everything will be posted out superfast as usual - hooray!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thursday Auction Preview

Coming up in the store this thursday...

The near future...

Auctions may be erratically listed over the next few weeks as we're both heading overseas. Absy has a conference and I have no such useful purpose, just fun and frivolity, but we'll eventually meet somewhere in America's deep south for op-shopping goodness, and hope to bring back some goodies for you all. Afterwards I'm moving off to Berlin for a stint and we'll both continue to run the store from our respective locations - because we CAN!
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